Starline Brass 223 Remington Unprimed 100/Bag
Starline prides itself on manufacturing the highest quality brass case available. With a production process focused on quality not quantity, Starline makes the finest brass and has done for more than 40 years. It is their unique manufacturing process and the commitment of their team of employees that set them from the competition.
The .223 Remington is one of the most widely used centerfire cartridges today. Tracing its roots back to the .222 Remington, the .223 was designed to achieve certain ballistics for military use. The .223 Remington, when in its military form, is known as the 5.56 x 45mm NATO. The differences between the two being the pressures that they are loaded at and the chamber in the firearm itself. The .223 has established itself as an excellent varmint and target caliber. It dominates all other rifle calibers in competitions such as 3-gun, and has a dedicated following in several other sports due to its low recoil and accuracy potential. Those two attributes coupled with good velocity allow it to excel as a varmint gun also.
Packaging for illustrative purposes