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Redding Neck Sizer 2-Die Set, 300 Remington Ultra Magnum

SKU RED-82288
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Original Price £66.75
Current Price £62.10

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The quality and accuracy of your reloaded ammunition depends largely on the quality ofthe equipment you use to assemble it.

Your choice of reloading dies should not be a casual one. Your dies lit-erally shape the quality and function of your reloads. Because they are so important, Redding give them a lot of attention.

  • Redding use the finest alloy steels obtainable.
  • Dies are machined on Hardinge Super-Precision® lathes capableof holding the tightest tolerances in the industry.
  • Redding guarantee their dies to produce ammunition that will properly fit any standard (SAAMI) chamber, regardless of action type.
  • To maintain tolerances and guarantee that your dies will last a life-time, they are heat treated in atmospherically controlled furnaces.
  • All dies are hand polished for smooth, flawless functioning, inspected,and are ultrasonically cleaned before packaging.
  • The die box is a handy cartridge loading block and storage package. Inside is a spare decapping pin, hex wrench, and a place for your shellholder!

    All Redding dies use the industry standard 7/8-14 threaded bodies. Many products that Redding produce are uniquely Redding, most have evolved by listening to the needs and desires of their customers and helping them solve specific problems.

    Neck Sizing Die
    The Neck sizing die contains a decapping rod assembly with a neck expander (size button). This die resizes the neck portion of the fired cartridge case so that a resized case fits the rifle chamber in which it was fired.

    Bullet Seater Die
    The seating die includes a bullet guide, built-in crimp ring and the proper seating plug.

    Plastic Die Box
    These tough, die storage boxes will accommodate virtually any combination of two or three Redding dies.

    Technical Information

    Case Hardened Steel

    Die Types Included: Full Length Sizer Die (with decapping/expander unit) and Standard Bullet Seater Die

    Accessories included: Plastic Storage Case, spare Decapping pin

    Notes: Shell Holder not Included